Combantrin -1 Tablets may be taken with or without food. The tablet may be chewed or swallowed whole with fluids.
All it takes is one tablet, once only for each member of your family, regardless of body weight.#
As threadworm is highly contagious, it is important to treat ALL the family, including adults.
#Human worming products will treat only adult worms present in the intestine at the time of taking the medication. They will not treat the eggs or immature worms and will not protect you or your children from contracting threadworm if you are exposed to them again. So it's advisable to check roughly 2-4 weeks after the initial dose to ensure a second dose is not required if symptoms persist/reinfestation occurs.
COMBANTRIN®-1 Tablets are available in a 2 or 6 pack.
COMBANTRIN® is available in-store and online in many leading pharmacies.
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